News & Events

08 Apr 2023


President of Fudan Jin Li visits Macao


From March 29 to 31, President of Fudan University Jin Li visited Macao SAR and Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin. 

Meeting with Macao Chief Executive Ho Iat-Seng

Jin met with the Chief Executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region Ho Iat-Seng on March 30.

Ho said the strategic cooperation framework agreement signed between Macao SAR Government and Fudan University in 2021 has played a significant role in fostering talents in Macao. He hopes Fudan can render support to Macao while it takes steps towards economic diversification and prioritizes the development of industries including healthcare, modern finance, high-tech, and convention & exhibition, as well as culture & sports. 

Jin said Fudan University has worked with the Macao SAR government to strengthen academic and cultural exchanges, promote scientific and technological resource sharing, and step up talent training. He hopes that both sides can draw on each other’s strengths, explore new areas and modes of cooperation, and build an innovative hub with a rich talent pool. He also stressed that the Zhuhai Fudan Innovation Institute in Hengqin is aimed to promote scientific research and development, technology transfer and entrepreneurship in GBA.

Visiting the Liaison Office of the Central Government in Macao

Jin met with Yan Zhichan, deputy director of the Liaison Office of the Central Government in Macao, on March 31.

Yan said Fudan University and Macao boast a long history of collaboration, and she spoke highly of Fudan’s endeavors in facilitating talent training and technological innovation in Macao. She hopes that under the strategic cooperation framework agreement between Fudan and the Macao SAR government, the university will give full play to its strengths and take the cooperation with Macao to a new level.

Jin said the university will continue to work with Macao in fostering humanities, science and technology talents, and will build more platforms for innovation and entrepreneurship. It will make good use of the favorable policies of Macao SAR and Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin to boost the industrial development of Macao and facilitate the realization of national strategic objectives. It also hopes to explore new ways of working with the Liaison Office of the Central Government in Macao to promote Macao’s economic diversification and make new contributions to the development of the GBA.

On March 31, Jin also visited University of Macau and attended a joint conference discussing the strategic cooperation between the two universities.

The two universities renewed agreements for students exchange and inaugurated a framework agreement to jointly build Fudan University Institute of World Economy, a Ministry of Education’s Key Research Base for Humanities and Social Sciences.

Jin visited Macau University of Science and Technology on March 30.

During the visit, the two universities signed an agreement on the agenda to conduct research on the digital communication power of Macao and Shanghai.

Besides, the Base of Overseas Legal Practice and Research jointly established by the People’s Court of Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin (“Hengqin Court” for short) and Fudan University was inaugurated on March 29.

Presented by Fudan University Media Center

Writer:Bogdan Zabarov

EditorWang Mengqi, Li Yijie

Designer: Jia Yingyue

Editor:CHEN, Shuyang

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