News & Events

28 Sep 2022

University Affairs

CI Frankfurt celebrates its 15th anniversary

By Zhang Yang

The Confucius Institute at the Goethe University Frankfurt (CI Frankfurt) celebrated its 15th anniversary at the Monastery of Eberbach on September 17. More than 50 guests gathered for the celebration.

Christina Werum-Wang, executive director of the Confucius Institute at the Goethe University Frankfurt, made a welcome speech. Huang Wei, education counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Germany spoke highly of the development of the Confucius Institute at the Goethe University Frankfurt over the past 15 years.

Yang Zhiyi, professor of Sinology at the Goethe University Frankfurt and Chairman of the Board of the Confucius Institute at the Goethe University Frankfurt, read the letters of congratulations from Michael Huth, vice president of Goethe University Frankfurt, and Chen Zhimin, vice president of Fudan University.

In Chen’s letter, he sent his best regards to all the students, teachers and staff, as well as the Hessen state government and the municipal offices of Frankfurt, and gave his best wishes to the future development of CI Frankfurt.

He pointed out that CI Frankfurt has introduced Chinese language, culture and art to the general public in Frankfurt and surrounding areas with the joint efforts of the local staff and teachers from Fudan over the past 15 years, which have promoted Sino-German cultural exchanges and enhanced German people’s understanding of China. It also provides supplementary courses for Chinese learners at Goethe University Frankfurt and organizes various activities, which have enriched the cultural life on campus. Furthermore, in cooperation with Goethe University Frankfurt, CI Frankfurt cultivates Chinese language teachers for local elementary and secondary schools, and makes outstanding contributions to improving the “China-Kompetenz” of German students.

In recent years, the “Young Scholars’ Forum”, co-hosted by CI Frankfurt, Fudan University and Sinology Department at Goethe University Frankfurt, has boosted exchanges among German and Chinese doctoral students specialized in China Studies, humanities and social sciences. This year, its sub-forum specially designed for postgraduate students was held for the first time.

Lin Changqing, head of the Education and Culture Section of Consulate General Frankfurt, Renate Sterzel, honorary representative of Frankfurt City Council, Rudolf Steinberg, former president of Goethe University Frankfurt, and Norbert Noisser, former chief of foreign trade, Ministry for Economic Affairs of the State of Hesse and Peter Kupfer, sinologist from Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, also attended the anniversary celebration.

About Confucius Institute at the Goethe University Frankfurt

The Confucius Institute at the Goethe University Frankfurt was jointly established by Fudan University and Goethe University Frankfurt in September 2007. It is dedicated to teaching Chinese language and culture, promoting Sino-German cooperation and dialogue, and enhancing cross-cultural exchanges. It provides language courses and continuing education courses for students and professionals, organizes Chinese cultural activities, and provides tutoring courses for HSK (a Chinese proficiency test).

Presented by Fudan University Media Center

Editor:Li Yijie, Wang Mengqi

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